Introduction: Irrigation districts (IDs) are irrigation projects that require periodic evaluation to determine performance.
Objectives: To analyze the production behavior of several IDs located in the transboundary Río Bravo basin, Mexico.
Methodology: Agricultural and hydrometric information was compiled, organized and analyzed for 11 IDs in the Río Bravo basin to determine production performance based on seven indicators.
Results: The production value with respect to the volume of water extracted from the supply source varied from 1.1 to 9 $∙m-3, while the productivity of water extracted from the supply source varied from 0.6 a 5.7 kg∙m-3 and the production per unit of water delivered to users varied from 0.81 to 9.27 kg∙m-3.
Limitations of the study: Performance indicators reflect the productivity of the irrigation area according to management of the crop, irrigation service, technological package, crop pattern, infrastructure, among other factors.
Originality: Performance of IDs located in the high-water pressure area in the Río Bravo basin was analyzed based on available information.
Conclusions: Several performance indicators are required to characterize integrally IDs’ productivity, With the use of hydro-agricultural indicators it is possible to implement improvement actions, where the value of irrigation water can be maximized for the benefit of producers.