Coordinacion de Revistas Institucionales


For 25 years, the Coordinacion de Revistas Institucionales (Coordination of Institutional Journals - CORI) has been in charge of editing and publishing research articles, not only from the university, but also from other national and foreign institutions, with the purpose of disseminating scientific work in the country and internationally. Currently, CORI publishes 8 journals in a timely manner, they are the following titles:

  • All
  • Biotechnology and Agricultural Sciences
  • Social Science

Public communication of science

Current Issue


Guidelines for the editorial Operation

One of the fundamental objectives of the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo is to communicate the products of scientific work. Given the importance of this activity, its organizational structure includes the Coordination of Institutional Journals (CORI), which coordinates the institutional support required for the Editors and Editorial Committees of each journal.


The Coordination of Institutional Journals (CORI) considers it of fundamental importance to provide certainty to all the actors involved in the ethical management of the editorial process of our journals; therefore, it has mechanisms for the resolution of controversies and inappropriate conduct at all stages of the editorial process (before, during and after)


The corresponding author must ensure that the different authors have agreed to be co-authors and have approved the submission of the manuscript to the corresponding journal; he or she is responsible for managing all communications between the journal and the co-authors before, during and after publication


Journal readers can file possible complaints or appeals regarding improper conduct of those involved in the various processes of editorial production through the channels available to them. If there is a complaint, it must be sent to CORI, duly founded and motivated. CORI will then review the origin of the complaint, and if it has sufficient elements, it will give an answer and a solution to it.


Scientific research has diverse implications of a personal and institutional nature; these implications may result in a conflict of interest. One of the products of scientific research that expresses this problem to a great extent is the communication of its results through scientific articles.


The main features of scientific research are: a) the tendency to generate and use statistical data to support a robust quantitative analysis of research results and b) the necessary replicability of such results. It is increasingly common for groups of researchers to seek to replicate the procedures, protocols and research results reported by other researchers.


Authors who propose articles for possible publication in our journals are presumed to consent to their editorial ethical criteria, including the technical review process (compliance with the rules and editorial policies of the journals), the double-blind peer review process, compliance with the identification of the authorship and co-authorship of the proposed manuscripts, and the declaration of no conflict of interest and business interests.


The journals published by UACh do not require authors to renounce their copyright. Instead, authors grant our journals an exclusive license to publish their academic articles, so they may reuse their manuscripts in their future work without requiring the permission of the journal editor; in exchange, they are asked to indicate that the material was previously published either in its entirety or that the version is modified from the one originally published in our journal’s pages.


CORI has sufficient resources for the carrying out of its editorial tasks, and manages its editorial processes with the most outstanding software in the world of scientific publishing; throughout its 25 years of existence, its staff, as well as its editors-in-chief, editorial boards, etc. have been and continue to be trained in the use of the necessary tools for efficient, effective and transparent management in the face of the challenges of the XXI Century and the trends of scientific production. It aims to place UACh’s academic journals within the realm of the best international scientific journals.


Scientific journals published by Autonomous Chapingo University follow a peer-reviewed procedure, either double- or triple-blind. Each journal’s website precisely describes the procedures relating to manuscript submission, the appointment of reviewers, the types of results of the opinions issued by the reviewers, and the review of the adjunct editors, among other aspects.


The Coordination of Institutional Journals and each of the journals published by Autonomous Chapingo University recognize, in the event of errors or omissions in previously published contributions, their responsibility to correct them. It is institutional editorial policy to consider refutations of works published in our journals and publish them (in brief form) if they provide categorical evidence of the existing error in the original article and are approved by peer review, which, if possible, will involve the same reviewers who were responsible for the original work.

Preguntas Frecuentes

En esta sección podrás consultar las preguntas más frecuentes sobre las publicaciones que edita la Coordinación de Revistas Institucionales.

  • ¿Cuáles son los requisitos para publicar en las revistas de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo?

    Actualmente, la Coordinación de Revistas Institucionales edita y publica ocho revistas de investigación en la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. Es importante destacar que cada revista cuenta con un Comité Editorial y un Editor Principal. Estas publicaciones tienen políticas editoriales, una guía para autores y requisitos para enviar una contribución. Invitamos a todos los interesados en enviar propuestas a visitar los sitios web de cada revista. El enlace a cada publicación se encuentra en la sección 'Revistas'.

  • El postulante puede verificar el estado de su documento a través de su perfil en la plataforma donde lo envió. Además, es importante revisar tanto la bandeja principal como la carpeta de spam del correo registrado, ya que cualquier actualización se notificará a través de ese medio.
    En el sitio web de cada revista, encontrarás la sección de 'Contacto', donde se proporciona el correo principal de la revista, así como el número de teléfono y la extensión correspondiente

  • No, consultar y descargar los manuscritos no tiene ningún costo. El acceso a su contenido es libre, lo que significa que está disponible sin ningún cargo para los usuarios o sus instituciones. Los usuarios tienen la libertad de leer, copiar, distribuir, imprimir, investigar o vincular el contenido completo de los artículos, o utilizarlo para cualquier otro propósito legal, sin necesidad de solicitar permiso previo al editor o autor.

  • Las publicaciones y la Coordinación de Revistas Institucionales no cobran ni cobrarán ningún cargo a los autores por enviar y procesar los manuscritos. Sin embargo, de acuerdo con las políticas editoriales de algunas publicaciones, las contribuciones aceptadas para su publicación pueden estar sujetas a una cuota de recuperación para cubrir parte de los gastos del proceso editorial, como gestión administrativa, corrección de estilo, traducción, diseño y marcado de metadatos. Es importante consultar las políticas editoriales de cada revista para obtener más información.

  • Sí, en el caso de aquellas publicaciones que requieren el pago de una cuota de recuperación según sus políticas editoriales, el autor puede solicitar la emisión del Comprobante Fiscal Digital por Internet (CFDI), es decir, una factura. Para ello, el solicitante debe enviar por correo electrónico a la dirección indicada en el mensaje de 'postulación aceptada para publicar' el comprobante de pago, ya sea transferencia electrónica o ficha de depósito, junto con los datos fiscales correspondientes de la persona física o moral a la cual se expedirá el CFDI, al igual que la Constancia de Situación Fiscal actualizada.