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Since 1998, the Coordination of Institutional Journals (CORI), an entity attached to the General Directorate of Research and Graduate Studies (DGIP) of Chapingo Autonomous University (UACh), has strived to provide a means for the publication and consultation of unpublished articles by national and international researchers. CORI is responsible for assisting in the editorial processes, as well as publishing and disseminating the original scientific contributions of eight institutional journals, which cover various areas.

General information

The journals published by CORI are indexed in international databases and indexes. All scientific articles published by CORI are open access and are under a Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which guarantees the availability of knowledge for all, without any legal or economic barrier. Additionally, the journals offer the following services through CORI:


Editorial Manager

In all our institutional journals, the process of receiving and reviewing contributions is carried out by the specialized Editorial Manager®, which ensures the integrity and confidentiality of both authors and reviewers.

Similarity check

Before beginning the peer review process, all contributions are reviewed with specialized software to detect their similarity with articles published on the WEB.

Double-blind review

All our journals ensure scientific quality through double-blind reviews conducted by academics and researchers with a consolidated track record in the reviewed topics.


Bilingual publication

All contributions are published in English and Spanish. The corresponding translations are carried out by CORI and do not generate any cost for the authors.


All contributions accepted for publication undergo a proofreading process in order to improve the use of language.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Each published article is identified with a DOI to ensure its continuous visibility, which facilitates the collection of citations and the recording of curricular data by specialized computer systems.


Frequently Asked Questions

CORI edits and publishes eight research journals, each of which has an Editor-in-Chief and an Editorial Committee; therefore, authors are invited to consult the journal of interest in the “Journals” section, where they will find the authors' guide and support material for submitting contributions.

No, all articles published by CORI are open access, so they are available for consultation and download at no cost.

No, the submission of a contribution and the refereeing process are free of charge.

According to the editorial policy of each journal, contributions accepted for publication may be subject to a recovery fee to cover part of the costs of the editorial process. It is important to consult the editorial policy of each journal for more information.

According to the editorial policy of each journal, contributions accepted for publication may be subject to a recovery fee to cover part of the costs of the editorial process. It is important to consult the editorial policy of each journal for more information.


Cordinación de Revistas Institucionales

Universidad Autónoma Chapingo,
Dirección General de Investigación y Posgrado. Oficina 113, edificio Dr. Efraím Hernández X., Carretera México-Texcoco km 38.5, Chapingo, Texcoco, Estado de México, C. P. 56230.


+52 (595) 952-5915

+52 (595) 952-1569





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