ISSN e: 2007-4026 / ISSN print:2007-3925



    Volume 16, Issue 2 July - December 2024   Creative Commons License

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     16 2 July - December 2024  

  • Biodiversity: key to the biotechnological potential of bacteria isolated from Cuatro Ciénegas

  • Biodiversidad: clave en el potencial biotecnológico de bacterias aisladas de Cuatro Ciénegas

Carolina Ruiz-Santiago; Humberto Martínez-Montoya; Virgilio Bocanegra-García; María Antonia Cruz-Hernández; María Concepción Tamayo-Ordoñez; Gerardo de Jesús Sosa-Santillán; Erika Acosta-Cruz

bacteria, molecular identification, phylogeny, biotechnology, Bacillota.

Received: 2024-07-08
Accepted: 2024-09-18
Available online: 2024-12-02

Introduction: The Cuatro Ciénegas Basin (CCB) has been isolated since the late Eocene. Most of the microorganisms present in the CCB have evolved in situ and developed genetic and metabolic mechanisms to adapt to extreme environments.
Objectives: To investigate the biotechnological potential of bacteria isolated from the CCB, as well as to establish the phylogenetic relationship among them.
Methodology: Bacteria were isolated in pure culture from samples from different waterbodies in the CCB.Bacteria were identified using the 16S rDNA gene and their phylogenetic relationship was determined using the maximum likelihood method.
Results: Sixty-five isolates were identified: 39 strains belonging to the phylum Bacillota (11 identified at species level and 25 at genus level), 12 strains classified in the phylum Actinomycetota (one was identified at family level, six at genus level and five at species level) and 14 strains belonging to the phylum Pseudomonadota (one at class level, six at genus level and seven at species level).
Limitations of the study: Only bacteria isolated in pure culture were studied.
Originality: An original study conducted at the Molecular Microbiology Laboratory of the Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila is described.
Conclusions: Studies in the literature underline the great biotechnological potential of bacteria found in the industrial, agricultural and environmental sectors. Understanding biodiversity is essential for the sustainable use and management of native biota.

Introduction: The Cuatro Ciénegas Basin (CCB) has been isolated since the late Eocene. Most of the microorganisms present in the CCB have evolved in situ and developed genetic and metabolic mechanisms to adapt to extreme environments.
Objectives: To investigate the biotechnological potential of bacteria isolated from the CCB, as well as to establish the phylogenetic relationship among them.
Methodology: Bacteria were isolated in pure culture from samples from different waterbodies in the CCB.Bacteria were identified using the 16S rDNA gene and their phylogenetic relationship was determined using the maximum likelihood method.
Results: Sixty-five isolates were identified: 39 strains belonging to the phylum Bacillota (11 identified at species level and 25 at genus level), 12 strains classified in the phylum Actinomycetota (one was identified at family level, six at genus level and five at species level) and 14 strains belonging to the phylum Pseudomonadota (one at class level, six at genus level and seven at species level).
Limitations of the study: Only bacteria isolated in pure culture were studied.
Originality: An original study conducted at the Molecular Microbiology Laboratory of the Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila is described.
Conclusions: Studies in the literature underline the great biotechnological potential of bacteria found in the industrial, agricultural and environmental sectors. Understanding biodiversity is essential for the sustainable use and management of native biota.

  • Effect of OSA modification of cacahuacintle corn starch on its physicochemical properties, digestibility and stability

  • Efecto de la modificación con OSA del almidón de maíz cacahuacintle sobre sus propiedades fisicoquímicas, digestibilidad y estabilidad

Diana Edith López-Vázquez; Landy Hernández-Rodríguez; Consuelo Lobato-Calleros; Eleazar Aguirre-Mandujano

cacahuacintle corn, OSA chemical modification, rheological properties, resistant starch


Received: 2024-06-04
Accepted: 2024-10-27
Available online: 2024-12-06

Introduction: The genetic diversity and postharvest conditions of corn lead to differences in its structure, nutritional value and techno-functional properties. Such is the case of cacahuacintle corn (CC) and its starch modified with octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA), of which there are no reports.
Objective: To evaluate the effects of the chemical modification of native CC starch with OSA on its digestibility and physicochemical, morphological, structural and rheological properties.
Methodology: CC starch was extracted and modified with OSA. Its amylose content, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) results, rheological properties, granule morphology and its effect on in vitro digestibility were evaluated.
Results: Chemical modification, confirmed by FTIR and morphological analysis, reduced starch digestibility and increased slowly digestible and resistant starches. Interactions between OSA-modified starch chains increased resistance to enzymatic hydrolysis. In addition, pasting and rheological properties decreased after modification.
Limitations of the study: The results are valid for CC starch from a cultivar from the State of Mexico, Mexico, and its OSA-modified version.
Originality: Information is presented on the physicochemical, techno-functional, rheological and digestibility properties of CC starch, which is a novel source of starch, both in its native and OSA-modified forms.
Conclusions: OSA-modified starch exhibited improved techno-functional and in vitro digestibility properties, with potential for use in the development of stable low-calorie, high-moisture foods.

Introduction: The genetic diversity and postharvest conditions of corn lead to differences in its structure, nutritional value and techno-functional properties. Such is the case of cacahuacintle corn (CC) and its starch modified with octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA), of which there are no reports.
Objective: To evaluate the effects of the chemical modification of native CC starch with OSA on its digestibility and physicochemical, morphological, structural and rheological properties.
Methodology: CC starch was extracted and modified with OSA. Its amylose content, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) results, rheological properties, granule morphology and its effect on in vitro digestibility were evaluated.
Results: Chemical modification, confirmed by FTIR and morphological analysis, reduced starch digestibility and increased slowly digestible and resistant starches. Interactions between OSA-modified starch chains increased resistance to enzymatic hydrolysis. In addition, pasting and rheological properties decreased after modification.
Limitations of the study: The results are valid for CC starch from a cultivar from the State of Mexico, Mexico, and its OSA-modified version.
Originality: Information is presented on the physicochemical, techno-functional, rheological and digestibility properties of CC starch, which is a novel source of starch, both in its native and OSA-modified forms.
Conclusions: OSA-modified starch exhibited improved techno-functional and in vitro digestibility properties, with potential for use in the development of stable low-calorie, high-moisture foods.

  • Microwave-assisted extraction of flavonoids from lechuguilla guishe

  • Extracción asistida por microondas de flavonoides a partir de guishe de lechuguilla

Vianey de J. Cervantes-Güicho; Leopoldo J. Ríos-González; Ana G. Reyes-Alvarado; Thelma K. Morales-Martínez

valorización, extracción no convencional, guishe, fitoquímicos, antioxidantes, química verde


Received: 2024-08-13
Accepted: 2024-10-29
Available online: 2025-01-17

Introduction: Guishe is a plant residue generated during the carving of Agave lechuguilla leaves for fiber extraction. The current burning and accumulation of guishe in open fields represents an ecological problem. Therefore, its use as a raw material for the extraction of phytochemicals is a promising strategy for its valorization.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of different parameters in microwave-assisted extraction on the flavonoid content in Agave lechuguilla guishe biomass.
Methodology: The effects of different time, temperature, mass:volume ratio and solvent concentration (ethanol) conditions on the flavonoid extraction process were evaluated using a single-factor experimental design. Subsequently, the extract obtained under the best conditions was characterized.
Results: The experimental design indicated that the optimal conditions to obtain a higher flavonoid extraction (15.34 ± 0.03 mgQE·g-1 dm) are: irradiation time of 10 min, temperature of 45 °C, mass:volume ratio of 1:25 (g·mL-1) and ethanol concentration of 70 %.
Limitations of the study: Raising the temperature and irradiation time in the microwave-assisted extraction process could reduce the concentration of flavonoids due to the possible thermal degradation of these compounds.
Originality: Microwave-assisted extraction was shown to be superior to other methods for extracting flavonoids from guishe.
Conclusions: Microwave-assisted extraction of flavonoids is an alternative for valorizing guishe and decreasing the environmental impact associated with this agricultural waste.

Introduction: Guishe is a plant residue generated during the carving of Agave lechuguilla leaves for fiber extraction. The current burning and accumulation of guishe in open fields represents an ecological problem. Therefore, its use as a raw material for the extraction of phytochemicals is a promising strategy for its valorization.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of different parameters in microwave-assisted extraction on the flavonoid content in Agave lechuguilla guishe biomass.
Methodology: The effects of different time, temperature, mass:volume ratio and solvent concentration (ethanol) conditions on the flavonoid extraction process were evaluated using a single-factor experimental design. Subsequently, the extract obtained under the best conditions was characterized.
Results: The experimental design indicated that the optimal conditions to obtain a higher flavonoid extraction (15.34 ± 0.03 mgQE·g-1 dm) are: irradiation time of 10 min, temperature of 45 °C, mass:volume ratio of 1:25 (g·mL-1) and ethanol concentration of 70 %.
Limitations of the study: Raising the temperature and irradiation time in the microwave-assisted extraction process could reduce the concentration of flavonoids due to the possible thermal degradation of these compounds.
Originality: Microwave-assisted extraction was shown to be superior to other methods for extracting flavonoids from guishe.
Conclusions: Microwave-assisted extraction of flavonoids is an alternative for valorizing guishe and decreasing the environmental impact associated with this agricultural waste.

  • Walnut paste as a fat substitute in Frankfurter sausage formulation

  • Pasta de nuez como sustituto de grasa en la formulación de salchicha Frankfurt

Adriana Lucero Pérez-Vargas; Nohemí del Carmen Reyes-Vázquez; Juan Luis Morales-Landa; Juana Aranda-Ruíz; Armando Quintero-Ramos; Daniela Saraí Rico-Costilla; Gerardo Méndez-Zamora

emulsion stability, color, composition, texture, sensory


Received: 2024-03-19
Accepted: 2024-10-29
Available online: 2024-12-09

Introduction: Healthy meat products can be formulated with plant-based ingredients to replace fat, colorants, salt and nitrites.
Objective: To evaluate Bustamante (B) and Rayones (R) walnut paste as a substitute for pork fat in Frankfurter sausage by emulsion stability, pH, colorimetry, water holding capacity (WHC), composition, texture and sensory properties.
Methodology: Five treatments were studied: T0 (control: 100 % backfat), T1 (65 % backfat and 35 % B walnut paste), T2 (30 % backfat and 70 % B walnut paste), T3 (65 % backfat and 35 % R walnut paste) and T4 (30 % backfat and 70 % R walnut paste).
Results: T3 had the highest total fat exudated (P ≤ 0.05). WHC and pH increased significantly from T1 to T4. Pinkness and yellowness increased in all treatments except T0. T1 had lower protein content (P ≤ 0.05), but greater hardness. Springiness decreased in T4, while cohesiveness and gumminess decreased significantly from T2 to T4. Appearance, pinkness and overall acceptability were statistically different between T0 and T4.
Limitations of the study: Bustamante and Rayones walnut paste decreased lightness in sausages.
Originality: Walnut paste can be used in the formulation of emulsified meat products.
Conclusions: B walnut paste can replace 35 and 70 % of pork fat in the formulation of Frankfurter sausage without significantly affecting its properties.

Introduction: Healthy meat products can be formulated with plant-based ingredients to replace fat, colorants, salt and nitrites.
Objective: To evaluate Bustamante (B) and Rayones (R) walnut paste as a substitute for pork fat in Frankfurter sausage by emulsion stability, pH, colorimetry, water holding capacity (WHC), composition, texture and sensory properties.
Methodology: Five treatments were studied: T0 (control: 100 % backfat), T1 (65 % backfat and 35 % B walnut paste), T2 (30 % backfat and 70 % B walnut paste), T3 (65 % backfat and 35 % R walnut paste) and T4 (30 % backfat and 70 % R walnut paste).
Results: T3 had the highest total fat exudated (P ≤ 0.05). WHC and pH increased significantly from T1 to T4. Pinkness and yellowness increased in all treatments except T0. T1 had lower protein content (P ≤ 0.05), but greater hardness. Springiness decreased in T4, while cohesiveness and gumminess decreased significantly from T2 to T4. Appearance, pinkness and overall acceptability were statistically different between T0 and T4.
Limitations of the study: Bustamante and Rayones walnut paste decreased lightness in sausages.
Originality: Walnut paste can be used in the formulation of emulsified meat products.
Conclusions: B walnut paste can replace 35 and 70 % of pork fat in the formulation of Frankfurter sausage without significantly affecting its properties.