Since 2018, the state Estado de México has been granted an extension of the Denomination of Origin for Mezcal (DOM). However, some legal controversies raised by the regulatory entity and companies in Oaxaca have hindered its use, arguing non-compliance with human and geographical factors, both related to intangible elements. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between intellectual capital (IC), coopetition, and business results in agave and mezcal production in Estado de México. A quantitative, descriptive, and correlational study was carried out with a non-probabilistic sample of 134 agave and mezcal producers from Estado de México using a questionnaire. The results highlighted the relevance of human and relational capital, while structural capital needs improvement. Organizational coopetition outweighs geographical proximity. The survival of the business sector is reflected in financial and innovation performance, although market results demand greater attention. It was confirmed that IC influences business results more than coopetition. IC, as a dynamic system, requires management and investment to improve business performance. With this intangible resource and coopetition, it is possible to address the controversies associated with the DOM and move towards the required certification.
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