Revista de Geografía Agrícola
Economic viability of peach plantations (Prunus Persica L. [Batsch]) with different technological levels in three regions of Mexico
ISSNe: 2448-7368   |   ISSN: 0186-4394


production costs
target prices
opportunity costs

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Arroyo-Pozos, M. G., Aguilar-Ávila, J., Santoyo-Cortés, V. H., Torres-Ávila, A., Muñoz-Rodríguez, M., Salas-González, J. M., & Sagarnaga-Villegas, L. M. . (2023). Economic viability of peach plantations (Prunus Persica L. [Batsch]) with different technological levels in three regions of Mexico. Revista De Geografía Agrícola, (70), 31–47.


The study’s objective was to estimate the economic, financial, and cash flow viability of peach plantations in three regions with different technological levels and their permanence over time under the approach of production representative units. The data collection was performed using the panel technique with growers. The results indicate that the production units with similar characteristics to those analyzed in 2013 and 2014 have persisted over time. Peach production is the best alternative land use in the rainfed water scheme compared to the annual crop production. The irrigated production is a factor that influences the weight and size of the fruit, as well as the protection of the trees from low temperatures. In 2022, there is viability in Chihuahua and Tlaxcala in economic, financial, and cash flow terms. In Zacatecas, production is viable in financial and cash flow terms. The price per kilogram and the yields obtained were variables in favor, but not the increase in the cost of the main production inputs, such as fertilizers, fuel, labor, and pesticides.


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