The Revista de Geografía Agrícola (Journal of Agricul-tural Geography) publishes on this occasion the thesis paper of Enrique Santoyo presented in 1884, with the title, The willow is considered to be of therapeutic use. This paper was presented to the jury for the profes-sional examination in Veterinary Medicine at the Na-tional School of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine of San Jacinto D. F. The inclusion of the paper in this issue is due to the intention of making known the existence in the same institution of the professional careers dedicated to farming and animal-related ac-tivities, that is to say, agronomists and veterinarians in the National School of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, and the research within the field of animal science in our country during the XIX century. Due to circumstances linked to the revolutionary movement at the beginning of the 20th century, when activities resumed, the two fields were separated into different institutions; however, there are antecedents and com-mon points that continue to be important in the insti-tutional histories of the National School of Agriculture and the School of Veterinary Medicine in Mexico.
Cervantes S., J. M. (2000). Historia de la Escuela Nacional de Medicina Veterinaria, vista a través de sus directores (1853-2000). Memoria de la Primera Jornada de Historia de la Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. México, D.F. p: 90-110.
Cervantes S., J. M., Román de C. A. M. & Gómez, J. L. (2010). Evolución de las asociaciones gremiales relacionadas a los médicos veterinarios zootecnistas mexicanos (Parte 1). VET. Revista electrónica de Veterinaria 1695-7504 2010 Volumen 11 Número 5 B http://www.veterinaria.org/revistas/redvet/n050511B.html
Rodríguez G., C. (2002). Contribución al estudio de los Salix spp. en México. Tesis profesional en Ingeniero en Restauración Forestal. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Chapingo, México 165 p.
Santoyo, E. (1884). El sauce considerado bajo utilidad terapéutica. Tesis profesional de Médico Veterinario. Escuela Nacional de Agricultura y Veterinaria, San Jacinto, D. F. 18 p.
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