Revista de Geografía Agrícola
Beekeeping and the Circular Economy as a competitive advantage in the municipalities of Nuevo Ideal and Canatlán in the State of Durango, Mexico
ISSNe: 2448-7368   |   ISSN: 0186-4394


responsible production
responsible consumption

How to Cite

Lechuga-Nevárez, M. del R. (2024). Beekeeping and the Circular Economy as a competitive advantage in the municipalities of Nuevo Ideal and Canatlán in the State of Durango, Mexico. Revista De Geografía Agrícola, (72), 1–23.


Beekeeping and the circular economy make the beekeeping activity sustainable by extracting, producing, consuming, reusing and recycling the different products and by-products of this agricultural activity that seeks to align itself with the needs of the community where it is carried out. The study aimed to analyze beekeeping and the circular economy as a competitive advantage in the municipalities of Nuevo Ideal and Canatlán in the state of Durango, from the sustainable point of view of the beekeeping community. It is a field study with a quantitative approach and a descriptive, explanatory, and correlational design with a cross-sectional scope. The survey was used as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument for collecting information. The 28 beekeepers registered in the ejidal seats of the aforementioned municipalities were surveyed. The results show that the beekeeping activity developed in these municipalities through economic circularity is sustainable and responsible, where knowledge of beekeeping and the circular economy in the beekeeping practice is essential to make it competitive, where the circular economy aligns the economic and environmental results in the beekeeping practice, highlighting that this economic activity maintains environmental balance by being an envi- ronmental regulator.


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