Value chain and commercialization of raicilla in the municipality of Mascota, Jalisco
ISSNe: 2395-9177   |   ISSN: 0185-9439


tradition and culture
artisanal distillation
value chain


How to Cite

Nava-Cárdenas, J. Q., Palacios Rangel, M. I., Ocampo-Ledesma, J. G., Aguilar-Ávila, J., & Ortiz-Martínez, G. (2024). Value chain and commercialization of raicilla in the municipality of Mascota, Jalisco. Textual, (83), 1–40. https://doi.org/10.5154/r.textual/2023.82.1


Raicilla is an artisanal beverage analogous to mezcal, which is produced from the distillation of agave. The objectives of this paper are to describe the structure and organization of the raicilla value chain produced in the Sierra Occidental of Jalisco, and to show the changes in the production and organization of raicilleros in a timeline. The question to be answered is: What are the characteristics of the raicilla value chain? A census was conducted with producers in the raicilla value chain and interviews were conducted with key actors. It was observed that most producers enter the market through a vertical structure, and a significant number of them sell their product in short-cycle channels. They face problems such as shortages of raw materials, limited technical training and lack of innovation in beverage processing. The value chain is poorly articulated, lacks internal cohesion and individualism prevails. It is necessary to innovate commercial strategies and improve the performance of each link in the chain to strengthen the presence of the distillate in the mezcal market.

Key words: Raicilla, tradition and culture, artisanal distillation, mezcals, value chain, market.



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