Main motivations of the urban consumer of traditional foods in Mexico
ISSNe: 2395-9177   |   ISSN: 0185-9439


Urban consumer
traditional foods
Food Choice Questionnaire


How to Cite

Serrano Cruz, M. R., Espinoza-Ortega, A., Vizcarra Bordi, I., Thomé Ortíz, H., & Sánchez Vega, L. (2022). Main motivations of the urban consumer of traditional foods in Mexico. Textual, (79), 161–191. https://doi.org/10.5154/r.textual.2021.79.07


Today’s societies are undergoing drastic changes in consumption habits, partly due to globalizing processes that favor food homogenization and, consequently, the loss of local and traditional foods (TF). In this context, the consumer, as the last link in the agrifood chain, is a crucial actor in the symbolic revaluation of these foods. This research aims to identify the urban consumer’s traditional-food consumption motives in Mexico. An FCQ questionnaire was applied to 1,152 TF consumers. The information was analyzed with multivariate statistics, specifically Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis. Nonparametric KrusKal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used to identify statistical differences between groups. Seven motives were identified: i) weight control and naturalness, ii) emotionality and familiarity, iii) practicality and industrialization, iv) hedonism, v) nostalgia, vi) neophilia, and vii) economy; and three groups of consumers: a) “industrialized concerned about their weight and what is natural,” b) “industrialized unconscious” and c) “industrialized with neophilia.” It is observed that there is no conflict between the consumption of traditional foods and practical and industrialized foods, i.e., it is accepted that traditional foods can be industrialized. These aspects should be considered in the industry, valorization processes, and public policies on food to preserve traditional foods.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Marlem R. Serrano Cruz, Angélica Espinoza-Ortega, Ivonne Vizcarra Bordi, Humberto Thomé Ortíz, Laura Sánchez Vega