ISSN e: 2007-4026 / ISSN print:2007-3925


Frequently asked questions

1.- How can I submit a manuscript to INAGBI?

Manuscript submissions are made through the Editorial Manager system (

2.- How much do I have to pay for the publication of my article in INAGBI?

At this time, INAGBI does not charge authors any publishing costs.

3.- In which language can I submit my paper?

You can submit texts in Spanish or English, but we encourage you to send your contribution in your native language, because if your contribution is accepted this will speed up the publication process.

4.- Do I have to pay for the cost of translating the manuscript?

At this time, we take care of the translation and cover the cost thereof.

5.- What information and documents should I have at the time of submitting my contribution to the Editorial Manager system?

Before starting the submission process, we suggest you consult and carefully review the guide for authors, as well as download the templates we have for manuscript submission.
Before submitting your contribution, review the initial format review criteria document to ensure that you comply with the INAGBI formats. Once you are ready to submit your contribution, make sure you have the following documents and information:
- Submission cover letter with signature
- Front page
- Manuscript in Word format with the structure and characteristics requested in the guide for authors.
- Email and ORCID of all authors for registration in the system.
- Full name, email and place of registration of at least three potential referees who have experience in the subject matter of the contribution.

6.- What is ORCID?

The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is a non-commercial alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies researchers. This code serves as an identifier and unifier of possible combinations of a full name. This code can be generated free of charge at

7.- What should be included in the submission cover letter?

On the journal page you can find the format for the submission cover letter, and to fill it out you only require the data of the authors and the contribution.

8.- If I get my manuscript back with observations from the initial technical review, can I resubmit it?

Yes, but you must attend to all the observations indicated in the review.

9.- Once I receive the reviewers' observations, can I request more time than allotted to attend to them?

Yes, as long as you justify the need to extend the deadline.

10.- I don't remember my username and password to enter the Editorial Manager system, how can I get them back?

To recover your contact data, follow these steps:
- Enter
- Select “Send Login Details” and provide the email address with which you registered.
- Check your email inbox.
- In the email sent by the system you will find your username. In the case of the password, because it is confidential, a link will appear to generate a new one.
- That's it! With these data you can enter your profile.

11.- Is Ingeniería Agrícola y Biosistemas an open access journal?

All texts published in INAGBI are distributed under the Creative Commons Atribution-NonComercial 4.0 License (CC BY-NC 4.0 International), which allows readers/users to have free access to all contents published in the journal (, as well as to cite, share (in print and electronic format), print and distribute the published documents, this with the requirement that the authorship of the contribution is clearly and explicitly mentioned and that the document was first published in INAGBI.