Editorial Policy
Focus and scope
The Ingeniería Agrícola y Biosistemas (INAGBI; Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering) journal disseminates unpublished scientific and technological research results. The journal’s aim is to generate a space for the dissemination and discussion of research results related to biological systems and agricultural engineering. Proposals submitted for evaluation should not have been previously published, nor should they be in a similar process in another journal. Nor will preliminary, incomplete or inconsequential research papers be accepted.
INAGBI is a bilingual (Spanish and English) journal published by the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo every six months (two issues per year: January-June and July-December). Contributions are received through the Editorial Manager®, and are examined by a scientific committee and evaluated anonymously (double-blind modality) by expert peers.
All articles that have been accepted in the review process are published as "Advanced" once they have gone through the editing and style correction process.
INAGBI covers research related to any of the following areas:
- Biosystems and bioprocesses
- Agri-food science and technology
- Mechanization, automatization and instrumentation
- Environment and energy
- Water use and management
- New trends related to agricultural engineering and biosystems
Section policies
All contribution types have the following characteristics:
- ✓ Double-blind review
- ✓ Bilingual (Spanish – English)
- ✓ Open access
- ✓ No publishing cost
Submission and peer review
Contributions are submitted through the Editorial Manager®, and the person responsible for the process is the "corresponding author," with whom communication will be maintained throughout the process. The documents and information required for the submission are:
- Submission cover letter
- Front page
- Manuscript
- Figures
- ORCID identifier of each author
- Full name, email address and place of affiliation of at least three potential referees (reviewers) who have experience in the subject matter of the contribution.
If the manuscript is in accordance with the subject matter of the journal and meets the requirements described in the guide for authors, a notification of receipt of the contribution will be issued; in it, a referral code will be assigned, which must be specified in any procedure or consultation. Failure to comply with the criteria described in the guide for authors will lead to the return of the manuscript for correction before the peer review.
Once the contribution is accepted in the initial review and the referral code is assigned, the Editor-in-Chief will assign an Associate Editor (specialist in the subject), who will in turn invite two Referees, who will be expert peers in the subject for the evaluation of the manuscript. This process is a double-blind review.
At the end of the manuscript review process, the opinion of the Referees can be: accepted, minor revision, major revision and rejection. In accordance with the observations made by the Referees and his or her own observations, the Associate Editor will issue a single opinion, which the Editor-in-Chief will consider in order to send a response to the authors.
- This implies that the manuscript will be published as submitted.
- This decision is related to grammatical, technical and formatting deficiencies.
- Under this criterion there are suggestions for changes in the methodological design, presentation of results, clarification of techniques or experiments, or inclusion of data that give scientific validity to the results and conclusions of the contribution.
- This opinion indicates that the contribution cannot be considered for publication in the manner in which it was submitted.
In every case, the Referees and the Associate Editor will include the arguments of their opinion.
If the manuscript was ruled as a minor revision or major revision, it can be accepted after attending to the corrections suggested by the referees. Once the author has made the proposed changes, the new version of the manuscript should be uploaded into the system, along with the response to each observation, so that it can be sent to the corresponding Associate Editor for a second review. This is done until the contribution is accepted or rejected.
Authors whose contribution has been accepted for publication in INAGBI must send a letter of transfer of rights prior to the publication process. This process consists of editing and style correction, translation and layout. At each stage the authors receive an email for their approval.
Frequency of publication
Starting in 2025, INABI will adopt a continuous publication model, consisting of a single annual volume, with content regularly updated on the website throughout the year. The publication is managed by the Coordinación de Revistas Institucionales (CORI) of the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Mexico.
Publishing cost
As of this writing, the INAGBI journal does not charge authors a publishing fee. The expenses generated by the editing process (style correction, translation, design and metadata marking) are absorbed by the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, which is the publishing house.
Open access policy
INAGBI, together with the Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo, recognizes that, in order to improve the process of diffusion of scientific knowledge, it must be available to any user without any legal or economic barriers. Therefore, the authors who publish in this journal accept the following terms and conditions:
- Based on copyright law, INAGBI recognizes and respects the moral rights of authors, as well as ownership of the economic rights of their work that will be transferred to the Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo for open access dissemination.
- Thus, every author who publishes in INAGBI must have signed a letter of transfer of rights in which it is explicitly recognized that the dissemination of his or her work will be done under the principles of open access established by the journal.
All contents disseminated in INAGBI are under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, so readers/users can freely access all contents published in INAGBI, as well as cite, share (in print and electronic format), print and distribute the documents published in the journal, provided that it is clearly and explicitly mentioned that the document was first published in INAGBI.
Code of ethics
INAGBI is governed by the international standards published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), in order to ensure transparency in both the publication of contributions and in the associated dispute resolution procedures. Similarly, the journal uses iThenticate® software to search for potential plagiarism.
The journal’s editorial team ensures that all parties (editors, reviewers and authors) follow ethical standards throughout the editorial process.