Principal / Editorial / Editorial policy
The objective of the Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura (RCHSH; Chapingo Horticulture Series Journal) is to generate an international space for the dissemination and discussion of research results related to the horticultural field through the publication of unpublished scientific and technological articles.
Proposals submitted for evaluation must not have been previously published, nor be in a similar process in another journal. Neither will preliminary, incomplete or inconsequential research papers be accepted.
The RCHSH has been published by the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo since 1994, under an open access dissemination policy (available on line). It is currently published on a bilingual (English and Spanish) and continuous (one annual volume) basis, with e-ISSN: 2007-4034. Contributions are received only through the Editorial Manager®. They are examined by a scientific committee and evaluated anonymously (double-blind modality) by peer experts. The average receipt-acceptance time for contributions in the last year was 5.5 months.
Accepted articles will be published as "In process" once the editing and style correction process has been approved. This document will then be replaced by the final version.
The crops included in the topics published by the RCHSH can be grouped into the following categories:
The basic and applied research areas covered by the journal are diverse, but all related to horticulture; among them: plant nutrition, agronomic management, crop protection, protected agriculture, growth models and analysis, breeding, plant genetic resources, botany, taxonomy, physiology, biochemistry of growth, development and maturation, propagation, in vitro culture, gene expression, genetic engineering, climate change, pollution and environmental stress, organic and sustainable agriculture, harvest and post-harvest technology, food safety, nutritional value, cultivar evaluation, crop protection against pests, diseases and adverse abiotic factors, ethnobotanical uses of plants, landscape architecture, market, economics, and rural sociology, among others.
All contributions considered for peer review must be unpublished (written in Spanish or English) and the product of original research. They must also be in line with the topics and research areas considered by the RCHSH. The types of contributions received are:
For more details on the characteristics of each type of contribution, please see the Guide for authors.
The process of submission and review of contributions is done through the Editorial Manager®. The person responsible for the submission is the "corresponding author," and is the only one with whom communication will be maintained throughout the process. The documents and information required for the submission are:
For more information regarding documents, see the Guide for authors.
If the paper is in line with the journal's topics and research areas, and meets the requirements described in the Guide for authors, an e-mail will be sent to acknowledge receipt of the contribution, in which a reference key will be assigned, which must be specified in any procedure or query. Failure to comply with the criteria described in the Guide for authors will lead to the rejection (topic outside the scope of the journal or duplication of content) or return of the manuscript for correction before starting the evaluation process.
As mentioned in the Guide for authors, each submitted paper will be checked for possible plagiarism using iThenticate®. If the tool detects a similarity greater than 10 % with respect to other published works in the introduction, results and discussion, and conclusions sections, the submitted paper will be definitively rejected.
The scientific review of contributions is carried out under the double-blind modality through the Editorial Manager®. This system allows detailed monitoring of this process and offers special formats for the issuance of decisions and communication with the corresponding author.
Once the contribution has been accepted in the initial review and the reference key has been assigned, the Editor-in-Chief will invite at least two Referees to evaluate the manuscript. The Referees must be peer experts on the manuscript’s subject and not be affiliated with the authors' institution. In the event that a Referee declines the invitation, does not complete his or her assignment within the indicated period or the opinion is not well-founded, the Editor-in-Chief will invite another Referee or ask the same Referee to explain his or her decision until at least two reviews have been completed.
At the end of the review of the contribution, the Referees' decision can be: accepted, minor revision, major revision and rejected.
Based on the comments made by the Referees, the Editor-in-Chief will issue a single opinion to be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail.
If the contribution is accepted, an e-mail will be sent to the authors with the decision and the bank account details for depositing the recovery fee for the publication process.
If the manuscript is designated for a minor or major review, the authors must address the observations made by the Referees. If the authors do not agree with any suggested change, they must fully justify the lack of attention to said comment. Once the author has made the proposed changes, he or she must upload the new version of the manuscript into the system along with a response sheet, which must include a detailed response to each observation and the part of the article (section or line) where the change was made. Authors must make sure not to include their name on the response sheet in order to continue with the double-blind review.
If there is no response from the author within the period established for addressing the observations, the article will be rejected. If the authors require more time to make corrections, the corresponding author must send an e-mail through the Editorial Manager® system specifying the requested time.
Upon receipt of the corrected contribution, the Editor-in-Chief will forward it to an Assistant Editor, who will be responsible for:
This process (review by the Assistant Editor) is carried out up to two times, at which point the contribution may be accepted or rejected.
Once the contribution has been accepted, it is essential that the authors send, by e-mail, the copyright transfer letter to initiate the publication process, which consists of editing and style correction, translation, design and online publication of the contribution. At each stage, the corresponding author will receive an e-mail for approval.
The Editor-in-Chief has the authority to determine the date on which the contribution will be published, depending on resource availability.
The RCHSH is an annual journal of continuous publication in electronic version (e-ISSN: 2007-4034). Publishing is handled by the Coordinación de Revistas Institucionales (Coordination of Institutional Journals) of the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo.
Contributions accepted for publication will be subject to a 300.00 USD recovery fee, which will cover part of the costs of the publication process. The account information for depositing the fee from anywhere in Mexico is as follows:
Bank: Santander S. A.
Account number: 65501084813
Interbank CLABE: 014180655010848131
In the name of the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
For international deposits, the account information is:
Bank: Santander S.A.
Account number: 82-50020139-5
Interbank CLABE: 014180825002013953
In the name of the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
Once your deposit has been made, you must send the corresponding receipt to the e-mail account: If you require an invoice, you must attach the updated tax status certificate and indicate the use of the CFDI.
Publication fee exemption policy
In certain cases, upon request and justification, the Editor-in-Chief may decide to waive the publication fee for some papers, provided that all the authors of the contribution are affiliated with institutions in developing countries.
The RCHSH, together with the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, recognizes that in order to improve the process of dissemination of scientific knowledge, it must be accessible to any user without any legal or economic barrier. Therefore, authors who publish in the RCHSH accept the following terms and conditions:
All content published in the RCHSH is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). This means that readers/users may freely access all content published in the journal, as well as cite, share (in print and electronic format), print and distribute the documents, as long as it is clearly and explicitly mentioned that the document was first published in the RCHSH and the respective DOI is included. Likewise, the material cannot be used for commercial purposes.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
The RCHSH abides by the international standards published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to ensure transparency in both the publication of contributions and the associated dispute resolution procedures. Likewise, the journal uses iThenticate® software to detect potential plagiarism.
The editorial team of this journal ensures that all parties (editors, referees and authors) follow ethical standards throughout the editorial process.
Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The RCHSH allows the use of AI only to improve the readability and language of the contribution. If applicable, the contribution must include a description of the technologies used and what was generated with them.
Authors are responsible for supervising, reviewing and editing information obtained using AI, as these technologies may generate incorrect information.
Under no circumstances may authors include AI as a co-author in the contribution, as this implies performing activities that can only be attributed to humans.
The RCHSH does not allow the use of generative AI or AI-assisted technologies (such as ChatGPT) by referees and editors in the peer review process, in order to protect the rights of authors and the confidentiality of their research.