Revista de Geografía Agrícola
Value network of maguey pulquero for the Altiplano region
ISSNe: 2448-7368   |   ISSN: 0186-4394


pulque distillate

How to Cite

Ortega Solano, G., Palacios Muñoz, V. H., Rendón Medel, R., & Ramírez Jaspeado, R. (2024). Value network of maguey pulquero for the Altiplano region. Revista De Geografía Agrícola, (73), 37–55.


The increase in demand of pulque in the 21st century is due, on one hand, to the neoculture of pulque, on the other, to the increase in demand of Mexicans abroad, this contrasts with low production problems, decrease in planted area and deforestation. The objective of this research was to analyze the behaviour of maguey pulquero value network, the problematic and the integration level with a territorial approach. Surveys were conducted with maguey pulquero growers, industries
related to the crop and agents in the Altiplano region. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data obtained in the summer of 2022 was used. Clandestine deforestation, low prices paid by intermediaries, lack of technical assistance in the crop and the deficient promotion, are the main causes of the decrement of the planted area with maguey pulquero in the Altiplano region. Few growers are linked to the related industry and there are many intermediaries between them and
the final consumer


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Gustavo Ortega Solano, Víctor Herminio Palacios Muñoz, Roberto Rendón Medel, Rocío Ramírez Jaspeado