Revista de Geografía Agrícola
The family production system of vegetable nopal (Opuntia ficus indica L.) in San Pablo Ixquitlán, Méx. Importance and operational strategies
ISSNe: 2448-7368   |   ISSN: 0186-4394


family labor

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Pedraza-Reyes, K. A. ., Pérez Olvera, M. A., Navarro-Garza, H., & Espejel García, A. . (2024). The family production system of vegetable nopal (Opuntia ficus indica L.) in San Pablo Ixquitlán, Méx. Importance and operational strategies. Revista De Geografía Agrícola, (72), 1–15.


Nopal (Opuntia ficus indica L.) is a cactus of economic and gastronomic importance and a source of employment in Mexico, as well
as an economic livelihood for producers in the Teotihuacan Valley. The objective of this research was to analyze the functioning
of the production system of vegetable nopal, its importance for the producer families and operating strategies. The research was carried out in the winter of 2022, elaborating a survey and applying a questionnaire to 30 producers of San Pedro Ixquitlan. Also, a fertility analysis was performed on 10 composite soil samples and pesticide residue analysis on eight samples of commercial quality nopal. The results showed that the production of vegetable nopal is linked to family labor and hired labor. The orchards are maintained with selective pruning (1-5), monthly irrigation and weed control One of the main problems is pest control, mainly the cochineal mealybug (Dactylopius coccus), however, there are no documented official regulations for the use of authorized pesticide for the crop. The soils have good nutrient levels, which are supplied with chemical fertilizers, manure and compost. Pest control is mainly chemical, although with possible environmental and sanitary repercussions. Of the pesticide residues found, only Chlorpiryphos exceeds the LMP for fruits and vegetables. 50 % of the samples analyzed showed no residues and there is evidence of alternative management for pest control and crop nutrition. The production system operates with family and hired labor for specific practices. It is important to disseminate agroecological management practices for pest and disease control, weed control, soil fertility management and crop nutrition, which will have an impact on the final quality of the product.


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