Revista de Geografía Agrícola
Economic values transfer for the estimation of the environmental restoration impacts of the areas exploited as mines in the Perote Valley, Veracruz
ISSNe: 2448-7368   |   ISSN: 0186-4394


Environmental assessment
environmental recovery
profit transfer
environmental services

How to Cite

Ruiz Sandoval, D., Arana Coronado, O. A., Sandoval Salas, F., Godbout, S., Gravel, N., Brambila Paz, J. de J. ., & Arana Coronado, J. J. (2023). Economic values transfer for the estimation of the environmental restoration impacts of the areas exploited as mines in the Perote Valley, Veracruz. Revista De Geografía Agrícola, (71), 1–23.


Mine closures and restoration of exploited areas do not have a comprehensive methodology that guides the decision making in terms of the final destination of the areas used to extract stone materials. Consequently, it is necessary to have useful tools that allow a better decision making related to the environmental policies and the sustainable development of a region. This process becomes difficult because there is not always information on the goods, services or impacts that generate to the natural patrimony and the of the environmental quality, also, there is not a homogeneous methodology that allows to know its values. Through the economic assessment on the environmental services provided by the ecosystems related to the different restoration systems of the mining areas within the municipalities of Villa Aldama and Perote, it will be possible to obtain an economic value. This value reflects the benefits of the area in terms of production, as well as of ecosystem services, therefore, better decisions can be made for its implementation and in this way, it will be possible to collaborate in environmental conservation and restoration.


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