Uneven regional development in Mexico has different causes and different origins, here we explore how the conditions under which the activities of agricultural processors in the New Spain (the agromanufacture) is unwrapped were determinants for some areas of the colony grew and others stagnate. The policy of the Spanish crown to his domain was crucial for the promotion of certain production activities, while the insufficient supply of goods to mainland New Spain had an impact for the emergence of agromanufactures during the mining-pastoral period and subsequent development.This article aims to express how the way in which the manufacture of agricultural products in the New Spain, the s unfolded. Mid S XVI. XVII, it was one of the cardinal causes that uneven socioeconomic development of regions in what became Mexico.The most important conclusion of this study is that manufacturing expansion and, in particular the agro-manufactures during the mentioned period, could be considered as the process of primitive accumulation in Mexico, the preamble to the rise of capitalism and its subsequent development base industrial. Also, there were socio-economic and natural factors that determined the characteristics of the development of each region where such activities are located.
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