Revista de Geografía Agrícola
Sustainable water buffalo systems in the Latin American humid tropics: an agroecology approach
ISSNe: 2448-7368   |   ISSN: 0186-4394


buffalo systems
grazing systems
tropical ecosystems

How to Cite

Bertoni Mendoza, A., Álvarez Macías, A., Mota Rojas, D. ., & Santos Chávez, V. M. (2022). Sustainable water buffalo systems in the Latin American humid tropics: an agroecology approach. Revista De Geografía Agrícola, (69), 127–141.


It is essential to explore alternatives to produce food through models of low energy consumption and reduced greenhouse gas emissions, with high yields. This article reviews research results that document the viability of water buffalo production systems in a favorable and demanding environment such as the Mexican tropics, following agroecological precepts. Basic principles of agroecology applied to livestock production are examined to identify soil-vegetation-water buffalo interaction and enhance resilient processes. Physic-biotic aspects of the tropical region were characterized, especially the richness of forage resources. Also, anatomical, and physiological characteristics of buffaloes were studied to thrive in this environment, under dual-purpose mode, producing meat and milk. Finally, elements are provided for the design of intensive grazing systems, including silvopastoral systems, where buffaloes respond outstandingly. The feasibility of implementing sustainable buffalo systems in the tropics is concluded, through planned intensification processes, which require specialized technical assistance to be successfully adopted


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