Revista de Geografía Agrícola
Origin and human and natural history of Cacahuacintle, a Mexican maize race
ISSNe: 2448-7368   |   ISSN: 0186-4394



How to Cite

Ramos Rodríguez, A. (2022). Origin and human and natural history of Cacahuacintle, a Mexican maize race. Revista De Geografía Agrícola, (69), 95–126.


In this research about cacahuacintle maize, the differences in “forms” or “types” of the race are specified and from those which are not. Likewise, the characterization of the owned racial types are expanded, very significant particularities of the physical environment where they thrive are detailed, and adaptations to semi-cold climate are disclosed. The geographic distribution of the characteristic racial “forms” and their mobility through time and territory are specified. The agronomic knowledge of the race is expanded. It is also suggested that the center of origin and diversification of Cacahuacintle is a specific portion of the mountain system known as the Nevado de Toluca. That region complement the nuclear area of the ancient Matlatzinca Empire, which from 1200 A. C. could make long-distance exchanges. This work complements cytogenetic and taxonomic researches that suggest the Colombian origin of the ancestral race, specifically from a race analogous to the current Sabanero of the white floury type. With support in anthropologic and similar researches, it is purposed that the entrance to Mesoamerica could have been through the mouth of the Balsas River, promoted by Matlatzincas and Purepechas. It is purposed that the ancestor of Dulce, another Mexican race of maize, followed the same origin and entrance route to Mesoamerica. In addition, it is reflected on the motivations and processes of domestication of Cacahuacintle.


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