Revista de Geografía Agrícola
Economy, lorena stoves and health problems
ISSNe: 2448-7368   |   ISSN: 0186-4394


Family economy
Lorena stoves
and farm family health.

How to Cite

Vazquez Calvo, M. A., & Cruz-León, A. (2015). Economy, lorena stoves and health problems. Revista De Geografía Agrícola, (54), 35–48.


The study was conducted inside the Mixteca region, particularly in the communities of Santa Ana Tamazola, and Santa Maria La Concepcion, both in the municipality of Jolalpan, Pueba. The information obtained was derived from the field instruments referred as semi-structured interviews asides from participant observations and dialogues with key informants. The findings focus on farm families whose economy is based on field-related activities and the extraction of important natural resources from the tropical forest caducifolious, particularly firewood. Some farm families sell the firewood to diversify their activities and restore the family income. It involves dinamic farm families who readjust their life strategies according to the current situation. With the implementation of the Lorena Stove, an estimated $1 122.58 per farm family is saved every year. These savings allow the aquisition of other products that satisfy farm family needs allowing a greater social wellfare and better health for social reproduction.


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