Revista de Geografía Agrícola
Agronomy and environment of the Pear (Pyrus communis L.) in the central region of Veracruz
ISSNe: 2448-7368   |   ISSN: 0186-4394


tropical highlands
temperate fruit in the tropics
mountain fruitgrowing
Kieffer pear.

How to Cite

Sánchez Cervantes, M., Cruz Castillo, J. G., & Inurreta Aguirre, H. D. (2013). Agronomy and environment of the Pear (Pyrus communis L.) in the central region of Veracruz. Revista De Geografía Agrícola, (50-51), 55–63.


Pear trees were introduced in several counties of the Veracruz State where chilling would be adequate to pursuit blooming. This was supported by a program of the government in 1960. In the present, the agronomic and environmental information regarding pear production in Veracruz is little. There is not historical data about its planting, and agronomic and commercial development. 40 Surveys with small pear producers were performed in Tlaquilpa, Soledad Atzompa, and Tehuipango counties. The information was analyzed by principal component (PCs). In general the pear growers did not control pests and diseases, they did not mix the pear trees with other crops. Few producers applied lime and fertilizers to the soil. The fruit mainly is own consumed and few is sold in regional markets. Pear trees were also geo-referenced in the three mentioned counties and in Calcahualco. The trees were growing between 1958 m and 2637 m of altitude. The average maximum teperatures trough November, December and January were in Tlaquilpa 16.8º, Tehuipango 17.8º, Soledad Atzompa 18.5º, and Calcahualco 21.0º. The average minimum temperatures in these months were in Tlaquilpa 6.6º, Tehuipango 7.7º, Soledad Atzompa 7.9º, and Calcahualco 2.6º. In Tlaquilpa and Soledad Atzompa the trees were established in a Chromic luvisol with a illitic phase, in Tehuipango in Haplic phaeoezem, and in Calcahualco in humic Andosol. Kieffer is the pear mostly growing in those counties.


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