Revista de Geografía Agrícola
Anthelmintic Resistance to Nematodes Parasites in Sheep
ISSNe: 2448-7368   |   ISSN: 0186-4394


cooperia curticei
Haemonchus contortus
Ovis aries
gastrointestinal nematodes

How to Cite

González-Garduño, R., Torres-Hernández, G., López-Arellano, M. E., & Mendoza-De Gives, P. (2012). Anthelmintic Resistance to Nematodes Parasites in Sheep. Revista De Geografía Agrícola, (48-49), 63–74.


The decrease in the effectiveness of the anthelmintics (AH) causes the survivial of parasites, which reproduce and form resistant populations. The aim of this study was to emphasize some results of the effectiveness and anthelmintic resistance (AR) of the main AH used in the Sierra region of Tabasco, and northern Chiapas, Mexico. In 11 flocks effectiveness was calculated during the dry season and 14 flocks were tested during the rainy season. The first study evaluated the effectiveness of three AH from a flock in 2008 and confirmed the effectiveness in 2011. The AR test was performed in five flocks in 2002, and multiple AR was corroborated in 2011. The methodology recommended by the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP) was used. Albendazole caused 61.6% of reduction in the gastrointestinal nematode eggs (NGI) counts, and Levamisole reduced in 99.9% the fecal egg count. Anthelmintic resistance was found in three flocks using Albendazole. In one flock the nematodes were susceptible to the same product. In another flock, Levamisole susceptibility was observed. Applying Closantel + Albendazole, Ivermectin and Nitroxinil, the fecal egg counts were reduced to values between 61-69%. During 2011 the effectiveness of Levamisole was 30% and the combined application of Ivermectin and Levamisole was only 65% effective. The constant use of the AH has caused low effectiveness in the control of major gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep, including the combination of Ivermectina and Levamisol.


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