Revista de Geografía Agrícola
Productive diversified coffee-ornamental plants in La Sidra, Atzacan, Veracruz
ISSNe: 2448-7368   |   ISSN: 0186-4394



How to Cite

Hernández-Meneses, F., Licona-Vargas, A. L., Pérez-Portilla, E., Cisneros-Solano, V. M., & Díaz-Cárdenas, S. (2012). Productive diversified coffee-ornamental plants in La Sidra, Atzacan, Veracruz. Revista De Geografía Agrícola, (48-49), 39–50.


Coffee is one of the most economically important crops in Mexico. It is grown in 15 states, but Chiapas, Oaxaca, Puebla and Veracruz account for 83% of the total national area planted (781,016 ha). The high prices and the reduction in yields have forced coffee growers to seek strategies to compensate for economic losses. One option is diversifying to other crops such as vegetables, staple crops, fruits, timber, ornamental plants, and even animals. Ornamental horticulture is one of the strategies coffee farmers have chosen because it is a growing area. In Veracruz although this industry is relatively new it has not gone unnoticed, and has attracted interest in coffee communities. Research was conducted in the community of La Sidra, Atzacan. Veracruz state’s main goals are to characterize and evaluate the diversification of the production units where coffee and ornamentals are grown. Four basic modes of production were identified: (1)Diversification with coffee, ornamental plants and sugar cane, (2) a Diversification of mosaic coffee, gardenias and conifers, (3) Diversification with mosaics of different species of ornamental plants and coffee, (4) commercial nurseries and ornamental plantings. Ornamental species most representative in the diversification of production were the gardenias and conifers. In the study area the ornamental activity has grown so large that it is considered a significant agricultural activity, compared to other crops such as sugar cane and livestock. Some producers have diversified or replaced their coffee with ornamental plants and are experiencing higher incomes.


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