Revista de Geografía Agrícola
Comparative study of the National Parks and the Biosphere Reserve (1899-2000)
ISSNe: 2448-7368   |   ISSN: 0186-4394


environmental legislation
presidential declarations
protected areas
national parks
biosphere reserves and environmental management.

How to Cite

Esparza-Hernández, L. G. (2012). Comparative study of the National Parks and the Biosphere Reserve (1899-2000). Revista De Geografía Agrícola, (48-49), 7–38.


This investigation discusses in a comparative manner the Presidential Declarations of Protected Natural Areas (1899-2000) in Mexico, with special emphasis on National Parks and Biosphere Reserves. It examines the relevant external and internal aspects of the geographic region, the six-year period, setting boundaries, availability and use of public lands, the institution responsible for its administration and the legal framework. Also it contemplates involving the owners of the natural resources that may be limiting their use and if proposed actions to improve them.We found that in these period 42 categories of Protected Natural Areas predominantly Protective Forest Reserves and National Parks have been used but most of them were scattered, fragmented and cyclical. Our report developed a classification system that located in time a range of environmental issues in our national geography either protection, conservation or preservation but also allowed us to differentiate large stages of environmental issues in our country has passed through.We conclude that if inclusive environmental issues do not open up to natural resource owners, bankers, industrialists etc. the degradation of natural resources will be very difficult to stop or mitigate.


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