Revista de Geografía Agrícola
Presentation of the document Tomato crop in Valle del Fuerte: thesis by Alejandro Artee Jr. 1943
ISSNe: 2448-7368   |   ISSN: 0186-4394

How to Cite

Cruz León A., & Artee Sitten, A. (2023). Presentation of the document Tomato crop in Valle del Fuerte: thesis by Alejandro Artee Jr. 1943. Revista De Geografía Agrícola, (62), 169–173. Retrieved from


The Journal Revista de Geografía Agrícola reproduces on this occasion one of the theses presented at the Escuela Nacional de Agricultura to obtain the degree of agronomist in June 1943, entitled Tomato crop in Valle del Fuerte, by Alejandro Artee Jr. This document is preserved in the collection of the Central Library of today’s Universidad Autónoma Chapingo and corresponds to a copy of decal with a total length of 44 pages. This document is of great interest as a background to the commercial production of tomato (Licopersicum esculentum), also known as ‘jitomate’ in Mexico, a vegetable produced for commercial purposes, example of the application of technological advances generated by modern science, both at the level of new varieties, irrigation systems, physical protection of crops, fertilizers, chemical control of pests and diseases, application of marketing in packaging, and transport of the product to make it available to consumers; generally intended for consumers abroad, although there are regions and products designed for domestic consumption.

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