Revista de Geografía Agrícola
Technological transformation and differentiation of pineapple production Units in Mexico
ISSNe: 2448-7368   |   ISSN: 0186-4394


Typology of farmers
technological innovations
adoption of innovations

How to Cite

Santoyo-Cortés, V. H., Uriza Cadenas, L. D., Leos Rodríguez , J. A., & Muñoz Rodríguez, M. (2023). Technological transformation and differentiation of pineapple production Units in Mexico. Revista De Geografía Agrícola, (71), 1–28.


The massive introduction of the MD2 hybrid pineapple in 2005, and the productive innovations, plastic mulch, shade cloth promoted by the INIFAP from 2010, in their joint use called “Protected Agriculture”(PA), transformed the pineapple sector in Mexico. This study analyzes the difference between the Pineapple Production Units (PPU) resulting from these technological changes. For this, from interviews and document review, a typology of farmers is defined, and the differential impact of the PA is analyzed in the information management, the input requirements and specialized workforce, as well as in the modalities of market penetration. The adoption of the production system in PA improved productivity, quality, and production seasonality, with lower environmental impact and greater fruit safety, differentiating PPU into traditional, intermediate, and technified. For the last two types, this allowed access to more profitable markets such as exports and large national commercial chains, but with strict traceability, presentation, and certification requirements. The technified production needs greater investments and also a more accurate and appropriate supply, information, and workforce management, consequently, the management systems have become more complex within the companies. Thus, for the PPU to face the market requirements and the challenges of climate change, the technological innovations have been forced to be complemented with managerial, commercial and supply innovations.


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