Revista de Geografía Agrícola
Rural territorial resources, short circuits and proximity between peri-urban agricultural spaces: the case of Mor-Mex.
ISSNe: 2448-7368   |   ISSN: 0186-4394


Short circuits
protected agriculture

How to Cite

Moreno Gayt´án, S. I., & Ávila Sánchez, H. . (2022). Rural territorial resources, short circuits and proximity between peri-urban agricultural spaces: the case of Mor-Mex. Revista De Geografía Agrícola, (68), 133–156.


The article analyzes the different scales in which the short circuits work to supply food in the central region of Mexico. In local level, small producers recover the agricultural production through protected agriculture and food with commercial value that could guarantee better economic incomes. From a regional scale, they build strategies for a territorial agricultural reconfiguration that strengthens short food circuits; in addition, they ar-ticulate actions through a field of organizational, geographic and cultural proximity. It is important to mention that the qualitative information was obtained using ethnographic tools; the cartography came from the geo-positioning in the municipalities of the producers that participate in the regional short circuit Mor-Mex; the agricultural transformation areas were identified using satellite images to visualize the changes in the landscape and point the increase of the agricultural protected surface. In first place, the obtained results draw up a path to explain how the producers of the region adapt to techniques and knowledges to transform their productive systems. Likewise, the ability in the development of self-managed strategies is examined, and provide options of commercialization and marketing to the fruit and vegetables, and basic grains producers. In second place, the results inform how the short proximity circuits can be a component of productive potentiality in the new rural economies and in peri-urban areas.


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