Current Topics in Agronomic Science
Use of native forages for regional nutritional blocks as goat feed supplement
ISSNe: 2954-4440
PDF - Spanish


tree foliage

How to Cite

García-Portuguez, J. E. (2022). Use of native forages for regional nutritional blocks as goat feed supplement. Current Topics in Agronomic Science, 2(2), 1–7.


A completely randomized experimental design with three treatments and three replicates was used to evaluate the technical-productive and economic viability of incorporating tree foliage from the epiphytic native plant called graft (graft plant) (Psittcanthus calyculatus) into regional nutritional blocks (RNB). Two RNB were prepared in a first phase. One of them, named RNB-1, was prepared with 5 % urea, 40 % molasses, 4 % common salt, 6 % lime, 4 % cement, 24 % ground sorghum residues, 2 % minerals, and 15 % ground tree foliage from the plant graft. The other, named RNB-2, was prepared with 5 % urea, 40 % molasses, 4 % common salt, 6 % lime, 4 % cement, 14% ground sorghum residues, 2 % minerals, and 25 % ground tree foliage from the plant graft. Three treatments were formed, one called T-0, with goats that did not receive any type of RNB, another, called T-1, with goats that received RNB-1, and the third, called T-2, with goats that received RNB-2. RNB-2 showed better physical (hardness) and chemical characteristics (24.70 % crude protein and 10.65 % crude fiber), with costs of 4.40 pesos·kg-1. In a second phase, the test of productive behavior was carried out, being both RNB preferred in the same way by goats (P > 0.05) and the supplementation with any of the RNB improved the increment of weight (P < 0.05). The artisanal elaboration of RNB was simple, economic, and promoted the efficient use of regional natural resources. This fact emphasizes the importance of rescuing and strengthening the roots of the rural population in local productive agricultural activities under schemes of sustainability and technological innovation and with own resources.
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