
Governing Body

ISSNe: 2395-9177   |   ISSN: 0185-9439

The Governing Body of the Revista de Geografía Agrícola operates under the supervision and direction of the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. The Universidad Autónoma Chapingo plays a crucial role in decision-making and overseeing editorial policies, ensuring that the journal adheres to established academic and ethical standards.

Functions of the Governing Body:

  1. Editorial Oversight: The governing body is responsible for supervising editorial operations to ensure the quality and integrity of content published in the Revista de Geografía Agrícola.

  2. Editorial Policies: It establishes and regularly reviews editorial policies, including open access policies, publication ethics, peer review, and other fundamental aspects essential to the journal's operation.

  3. Editorial Appointments: It appoints and names the editors of the journal, who are responsible for day-to-day management and decision-making related to article publication.

  4. Quality Assurance: Ensures that the journal maintains high-quality standards in all aspects, from article selection to review and publication processes.

Connection with Universidad Autónoma Chapingo:

The journal Textual operates in close collaboration with the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, which provides institutional support and resources necessary for the effective management of the journal. The university backs the journal's commitment to open access, academic excellence, and the dissemination of knowledge in the field of rural.

The integration of the journal Textual within the structure of the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo strengthens the quality and reputation of the journal as a reliable source of information in the academic and scientific realm.