The purpose of this study is to describe the changes in working conditions of Mexican migrant laborers in Oxnard, Ventura County, California, USA. It is shown, how after 10 years, between 2012 and 2022, nothing changed in the working conditions in intensive agriculture. The reduction in working hours is due to legal adjustments where the employer is forced to pay 1.5 salaries if the labourer works more than 8 hours. The response to this measure was the intensification of the workday and setting the day to no more than 8 hours. Deflating the salary at today’s prices, it was found that when the labourer earns more, it has been at the cost of working more intensely, everything else remaining unchanged, such as seasonal work, without a contract, using a borrowed or rented social security number, and precarious working conditions. To carry out the above, a survey was applied at two points in time, in 2012-to-95 laborers and in 2022 to 97, these are case studies combined with in-depth interviews.
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