Historical conservation of community forests in Guatemala: the case of the Asociación Parcialidad Indígena de Chuamazán
ISSNe: 2395-9177   |   ISSN: 0185-9439


Community forest management
forest monitoring
remote sensing tools


How to Cite

Méndez, A. E., & Vásquez Elías, N. S. (2024). Historical conservation of community forests in Guatemala: the case of the Asociación Parcialidad Indígena de Chuamazán. Textual, (83), 109–135. https://doi.org/10.5154/r.textual/2023.83.05


Forest conservation efforts worldwide demand indicators that facilitate monitoring of the state and changes in forest cover, and the use of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is useful for this purpose. This article analyzes annual NDVI averages for the period 1986-2022 for the territory of the Asociación Parcialidad Indígena de Chuamazán (APIC, roughly the Chuamazán Indigenous Group Association in English), relating them to local historical and social dynamics that provide elements to explain the state of the forest. In order to provide information for the design of public policies and related monitoring processes, Landsat satellite imagery, GIS tools and NASA’s AppEEARS application were used for geospatial data analysis, in combination with participatory tools framed in the ethnoecological research method. The area’s NDVI was found within the range of 0.6 and 0.75, indicative of dense and vigorous vegetation caused by the presence of the forest, a product of the defense and historical management of the APIC’s territory. This is based on a system of shared socio-cultural values and ancestral history, determining factors in the construction of social capital, ecological knowledge and their own governance system.



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