The gaps of the new rurality: Forgotten citizenship
ISSNe: 2395-9177   |   ISSN: 0185-9439


New Rurality
Rural Reestructuring
Rural-Urban inequalities


How to Cite

Camarero, L. (2021). The gaps of the new rurality: Forgotten citizenship. Textual, (78), 161–186. https://doi.org/10.5154/r.textual.2021.78.07


In the context of de-agrarianization, agricultural globalization and rural restructuring that make up the so-called new rurality, the article explores the transformations that rurality has undergone. The analysis focuses on the case of Spain and addresses the paradox of rural transformation and socioeconomic modernization while the social emptiness and socioeconomic decline typical of traditional rurality persist. In this sense, the approach to public policies shows relevant differences that maintain rural-urban inequality. The scholarly emphasis on the economic processes transformation has hidden the inequality gaps in access to well-being between rural and urban populations.



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