Law and diversity, an overview from legal anthropology and rural sociology
ISSNe: 2395-9177   |   ISSN: 0185-9439


How to Cite

Durand Alcántara, C. H. (2021). Law and diversity, an overview from legal anthropology and rural sociology. Textual, (78), 295–328. https://doi.org/10.5154/r.textual.2020.78.12


There are few studies that analyze the rural context, the inherent aspects we usually understand as Law, these link it to the specific context of rural ethnology and sociology, in this way, the methodology from which this article is based on, interpolates a transdisciplinary vision that corresponds to the legal anthropology study explained through the complex and critical thinking, which, in the current crisis situation, is primordial, and in the context in which underlies a qualitative analysis of the phenomenon in question, as well as a doctrinal, conceptual and theoretical study that required resorting to several sources of socio-legal and anthropological research.

Notice the Law from the spatial spheres of rural sociology and particularly of social relationships that are immanent to it, necessary suggests the study of those social classes and human settlements that Gramsci identified as the subordinate subjects, and whose treatment in this study corresponds to the native peoples.



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