Studies on child labor in Mexico: Contributions, challenges, and future possibilities for the expansion of the study field
ISSNe: 2395-9177   |   ISSN: 0185-9439


Child labor in agriculture
anthropology of childhood
child labor
social research on children


How to Cite

Glockner Fagetti, V. (2019). Studies on child labor in Mexico: Contributions, challenges, and future possibilities for the expansion of the study field. Textual, (74), 391–420. https://doi.org/10.5154/r.textual.2019.74.12


This article aims to highlight the most relevant contributions and the most relevant connection points of an important body of research on migrant child labor produced in Mexico over the last decades, and the social studies on children, consolidated at the beginning of the 1980s in Europe and the United States. It is proposed that research on child labor contribute to the development of social studies on childhood in Mexico, as well as offering new perspectives to understand the functioning of the global agricultural market, internal migration and the production of day labor force. In addition to taking up some of the main contributions of this research, it also points out the lines of analysis that still need to be strengthened and some central themes that have not been developed yet.



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