General mobilization of farm labor in the Spanish countryside: A sociohistorical approach
ISSNe: 2395-9177   |   ISSN: 0185-9439


Mobility and settlement of agricultural workers
international labor and migration
globalization and agriculture


How to Cite

Pedreño, A. (2019). General mobilization of farm labor in the Spanish countryside: A sociohistorical approach. Textual, (74), 277–310. https://doi.org/10.5154/r.textual.2018.74.08


This purpose of this article is to analyze the various forms of settlement of foreign immigrant workers in Spanish farming. This issue is framed within the general labor mobilization policies promoted by the State and companies to meet the recruitment needs of globalized agriculture. After conducting a historical exploration of labor mobilization in the different social accumulation structures, as shown in the Spanish agrarian reality, the analysis focuses on the different types of settlements of immigrant farmworkers a) corporately-organized settlements; b) substandard housing or shantytowns in rural areas; and c) urban neighborhoods. Finally, attention is paid to the Region of Murcia, a Spanish Mediterranean enclave of intensive fruit and vegetable production that has required a very large mobilization of foreign workers.



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Copyright (c) 2019 Andrés Pedreño