The Office du Niger: Between cooperation and the implementation of hydro-agricultural development projects in Mali
ISSNe: 2395-9177   |   ISSN: 0185-9439


Water policy
access to water
land tenure


How to Cite

Diaraba Keita, Z. ., Santacruz de León, G., & Cámara Córdova, J. (2019). The Office du Niger: Between cooperation and the implementation of hydro-agricultural development projects in Mali. Textual, (73), 179–214. https://doi.org/10.5154/r.textual.2018.73.11


The present paper describes the evolution of development policies in the inland delta of the Niger River, from the French Sudan to the present Republic of Malí. Development projects (highlighting the Office du Niger, ON) and their proposals on land use, land tenure and access to water, as well as their consequences for the local population, historic settlers or contemporary investors are analyzed here. The final considerations recognize that the leasing of large-scale land for hydro-agricultural projects involves significant risks for farmers and resources in the area of influence of the ON and that the local population is skeptical about its benefits, since there are no Malian investors with sufficient capital to develop the land and they have the impression that national and international public policies favor historical exploitation schemes, where the Niger is a means of looting; that the development plans do not include policies for the benefit of the inhabitants of the ON area, and that the reforms encourage privatization or the involvement of the private sector in the management of natural resources such as water.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Zoumana Diaraba Keita, Germán Santacruz de León, Julio Cámara Córdova