The comunal landholder’s movement in milpa alta
ISSNe: 2395-9177   |   ISSN: 0185-9439


Indigenous population
Milpa Alta
legal process
communal landholder’s movement

How to Cite

Korsbaek, L. ., & Bello Salgado, E. G. (2017). The comunal landholder’s movement in milpa alta. Textual, (69), 43–62. https://doi.org/10.5154/r.textual.2017.69.003


The following article presents the political struggle of the peasants of communal landholding in the indigenous communities of Milpa Alta in Mexico City. Milpa Alta, that is located in the Southeastern part of the city, is territorially the most extensive borough of this City, but is at the same time the least densely populated. In the first part of the article, the rural portion of México City is presented as a plural society, and Milpa Alta is described as a part of this plural society. The second part of the article describes the ways the indigenous peoples in México City have carried out their struggle, both in figures and in qualitative terms through history. In this part we also study the legal aspect of their struggle to obtain titles territory to their properties, in particular the consequences of the signature and ratification of the Convention of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples (No.169) and the Zapatista uprising (January first, 1994). The central part of the article is an anthropological study of the communal landholders in Milpa Alta in recent years, based on interviews with leaders and participants in that struggle. In the brief conclusion, we refer to other similar movements and we present an assessment of the perspectives of these struggles.



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