Hyperinflation, a weapon for destabilizing countries?
ISSNe: 2395-9177   |   ISSN: 0185-9439


How to Cite

Santacruz De León, E. E. (2022). Hyperinflation, a weapon for destabilizing countries?. Textual, (79), 43–47. Retrieved from https://revistas.chapingo.mx/textual/article/view/516


Inflation is an indicator of the behavior of prices to the consumer measured from the CPI, being defined as the change of prices of the basic food basket of products and services that are acquired by homes. About the behavior of that indicator, there is a set of notions that refers the behavior or development of an economy, among others: stagflation and hyperinflation, the first one refers to the process of economic stagnation, with a persistent inflationary process and increase of unemployment; the second one is understood as an unmeasured and uncontrolled growth of prices, getting numbers beyond four digits, it is, more than 1000%.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Eugenio Eliseo Santacruz De León