Pathé: genesis and meaning of rituality
ISSNe: 2395-9177   |   ISSN: 0185-9439


social drama


How to Cite

Sosa Vega, I. (2024). Pathé: genesis and meaning of rituality. Textual, (83), 173–205. https://doi.org/10.5154/r.textual/2023.83.07


The genesis of present practices is not necessarily found within the temporal boundaries of a historical explanation model. Often, unique processual imprints reveal more than many are willing to see. This study develops an approach from historical anthropology. Through the historical events of the ancestors of the current inhabitants of Pathé, the process of constituting the meaning of the ritual change of duty bearers is unveiled. This ritual condenses the meanings of the opening and closing of the ritual cycle practiced by the men and women of this community. This spatiotemporal point manifests the realms of the divine, human, and nature. Turner’s social drama proposal serves as an analytical tool to understand this process of symbolization of the mythical-foundational narrative of their patron saint, Saint Luke.



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