“A review of the book “capitalism: competence, conflict and crises”
ISSNe: 2395-9177   |   ISSN: 0185-9439


How to Cite

Palacio Muñoz, V. H., & Santacruz De León , E. E. (2023). “A review of the book “capitalism: competence, conflict and crises”. Textual, (81), 247–267. Retrieved from https://revistas.chapingo.mx/textual/article/view/364



Anwar Shaikh, a Pakistani-American, came to the United States accompanying his father who was Pakistan’s ambassador to that country, and the-
re he was trained in the orthodox theory of economics in two of the most important universities in North America: Princeton and Columbia.

His education was fundamentally neoclassical and orthodox, leaving aside critical theory. As time went by, he became aware of the inadequacies of this theory and moved closer to classical and Marxist political economy, joining the New York School for Social Research, today called New School University. He joined the university as a researcher professor in 1972, and has remained there to date.



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Goodwin, Richard. 1983. “A note on wages, profits and fluctuating growthrates”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 7, 305-309.

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Shaikh, A. (1982). Neo-Ricardian Economics: A Wealth of Algebra, A Poverty of Theory. Review of Radical Political Economics, 14(2), 67–83. https://doi.org/10.1177/048661348201400207.

Szenberg, M., y Ramrattan L. (2014). Eminent Economists II: Their Life and Work Philosophies. Cambridge University Press

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Copyright (c) 2023 Víctor H. Palacio Muñoz, Eugenio Eliseo Santacruz De León