“Bill Gates. Reset. Vaccines, abortion and social control”
ISSNe: 2395-9177   |   ISSN: 0185-9439


How to Cite

Menéndez Gámiz, C. R. (2023). “Bill Gates. Reset. Vaccines, abortion and social control”. Textual, (81), 233–246. Retrieved from https://revistas.chapingo.mx/textual/article/view/363


In 302 pages, the Spanish edition of LibrosLibres, has a total of 7 chapters in which it is explained that the Great Rest “is the radical transformation to build a new social order which fractures the democracies and organized societies for the benefit of a new structure in the hands of billionaires and supranational organizations”. (p. 115).

How has this been possible? The author gives in this paper arguments and evidences that generate a clear idea of the intricate web of interests of the large transnational corporations of the very few billionaires. Which is denominated the imperial philanthropy.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Carlos Ricardo Menéndez Gámiz