The aleph of gifting. Intercommunity guezas in the Mixteca Alta: a reconstruction of its theoretical and conceptual background
ISSNe: 2395-9177   |   ISSN: 0185-9439


Indigenous peoples


How to Cite

Sempio Durán, C. (2022). The aleph of gifting. Intercommunity guezas in the Mixteca Alta: a reconstruction of its theoretical and conceptual background. Textual, (79), 129–160. https://doi.org/10.5154/r.textual.2022.79.06


The intercommunity guezas make up a network of donations, receptions and returns of festive goods and services (mainly, food, animals, candles, toritos, dance and musical groups) between community authorities of the Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, deployed in the celebration of patron saints. Thus, a municipal authority can receive, in its patron saint festival, guezas from a fortnight of delegations representing neighboring towns. On average, this means that annually the authorities deliver guezas every three weeks. Therefore, participating in this network is a substantial part of the civic-ritual responsibilities of said authorities. Given its recent appearance, the objective of the article is to interpret intercommunity guezas following the theories and ethnographies of gift and reciprocity in a set of classic anthropological texts on the indigenous peoples of Oaxaca.



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