The fight against megaprojects in the light of Donatella Della Porta's contributions
ISSNe: 2395-9177   |   ISSN: 0185-9439


Social movements
collective action
common benefit


How to Cite

Bianchetto, A. (2021). The fight against megaprojects in the light of Donatella Della Porta’s contributions. Textual, (78), 41–67. https://doi.org/10.5154/r.textual.2021.78.02


In the last thirty years there has been a theoretical and political awakening on the subject of social movements, which is due to an important growth of different movements in the context of neoliberal globalization, which has brought new developments in the forms of collective action. However, unlike in Latin America, where studies have been published concerning peasant and indigenous movements in defense of the territory due to the large number of infrastructure megaprojects that are being developed, in the Western world there are few research works oriented towards this kind of protest. Among the few European academics who have dealt with this topic is the Italian political scientist Donatella della Porta, who has promoted an analysis of the mobilizations against the implementation of infrastructure megaprojects in Italy. In the present work we intend to analyze some aspects of the movements against megaprojects in light of the recoveries of the author’s theoretical contributions in order to be able to contribute to shedding light on the current situation of social movements in Latin America and Mexico, in particular the peasants and indigenous people in defense of the territory.



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