Forests, territoriality, and governance: The case of the Asociación Parcialidad Indígena Chuamazán
ISSNe: 2395-9177   |   ISSN: 0185-9439


participatory tools
indigenous communities


How to Cite

Hernández Méndez, A. E., & Ramírez, L. V. (2021). Forests, territoriality, and governance: The case of the Asociación Parcialidad Indígena Chuamazán. Textual, (77), 115–141. https://doi.org/10.5154/r.textual.2021.77.04


Various international agreements and national strategies seek to conserve the forest in the world, but they have not been as successful as expected. One of the main obstacles is their disconnection from complex local realities, which affects the pertinence of initiatives for their conservation and sustainable use. The objective of the present article is to generate information at local level, as an input for the design of public policies, in the Western Highlands of Guatemala, through a process of characterization of the Asociación Parcialidad Indígena Chuamazán, a group organized around the defense and conservation of a communal forest for 170 years. The study was developed by using participatory diagnostic tools within the framework of the Ethnoecological Research method. The main findings are a life model that prioritizes the common good, an organizational structure based on voluntary work at the service of the community, regulated by accepted community norms that are the product of a consensus, and a collective imaginary that aspires to the conservation of forests for the benefit of future generations. It is concluded that their relationship with the forest nature is framed in the reciprocity and belonging with the forest, source of identity, rooting and life.



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Copyright (c) 2021 Aura Elvira Hernández Méndez, Liberio Victorino Ramírez