- Four pruning intensities were evaluated in a seven-year-old Pinus patula plantation.
- Increases in height, diameter and volume were measured one year after pruning.
- Pruning the lower third of the crown generated the greatest increase in growth.
- The number of epicormic shoots was greater when the lower two thirds of the crown were pruned.
Introduction: The silvicultural objective of pruning is the production of knot-free wood; however, pruning can affect the growth of early-aged trees.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of four pruning intensities in a sevenyear-old plantation of Pinus patula Schiede ex Schltdl. & Cham.
Materials and methods: A randomized experimental design with 12 plots (four treatments and three replications) was used; a total of 48 trees were sampled. Pruning treatments were: 1) no pruning, 2) pruning of the lower third of the crown, 3) pruning of the lower half of the crown and 4) pruning of the lower two thirds of the crown. Growth and number of epicormic shoots were measured one year after pruning.
Results and discussion: The ANOVA showed a significant effect (P < 0.05) of pruning intensity on the variables evaluated. Pruning the lower third of the crown was the treatment with the least amount of epicormic shoots and the greatest increment in height, diameter and volume, while the most intense pruning (lower two thirds of the crown) had the opposite effect.
Conclusion: More intense pruning negatively affects the growth of P. patula trees in early stages of development.
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