Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
Obtención de cepas y producción de inóculo de cinco especies de hongos silvestres comestibles de alta montaña en el centro de méxico
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


In vitro culture
vegetative isolation
biomass production
growth rate
Flammulina mexicana
Lyophyllum aff. shimeji

How to Cite

Arana-Gabriel, Y. ., Burrola-Aguilar, C. ., Garibay-Orijel, R., & Franco-Maass, S. . (2014). Obtención de cepas y producción de inóculo de cinco especies de hongos silvestres comestibles de alta montaña en el centro de méxico. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 20(3), 213–225.


Strains of Psathyrella spadicea, Floccularia aff. luteovirens, Clitocybe squamulosa, Flammulina mexicana and Lyophyllum aff. shimeji were obtained, their sporomes use to be collected and consumed by inhabitants of the Nevado de Toluca, Mexico. The strains were studied in vitro on six culture media (DFA: Dog food agar, MA: Maize agar, PDA-PL: potato dextrose-peptone and yeast agar, EMA-PL: malt extract agar peptone and yeast, PDA and EMA) at 18 °C and 25 °C. Species satisfactorily developed at 18 °C, F. mexicana and L. aff. shimeji had the highest growth rate and biomass production. Flammulina mexicana only developed at 18 °C showing higher growth and biomass production on DFA. The strain of L. aff. shimeji grew at 18 and 25 °C, the highest growth rate was recorded on PDA at 18 °C and highest biomass production on EMA-PL at 18 °C. Regarding the best conditions for the in vitro development of mycelium, primary spawn was obtained from F. mexicana and L. aff. shimeji in wheat and sorghum. The highest density and percentage of covered mycelium were obtained using wheat substrate.


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