Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
Minimum sample size for fitting compatible taper-volume functions for three pine species in Chihuahua
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


taper function
stem volume
merchantable volume
Pinus arizonica
Pinus durangensis
Pinus engelmannii

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Villela-Suárez, J. M. ., Aguirre-Calderón, O. A., Treviño-Garza, E. J., González-Tagle, G.-T., Yerena-Yamallel, I., & Vargas-Larreta, B. (2020). Minimum sample size for fitting compatible taper-volume functions for three pine species in Chihuahua. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 27(1), 143–163.


  • The minimum number of trees calculated ranged from 53 (Pinus durangensis) to 88 (P. engelmannii).
  • The minimum sample size depends on the species and geographical region.
  • A large sample does not guarantee better fitting of a profile function than a smaller sample.
  • If the sample represents the population structure, the function estimates the volume accurately.
  • The sample size should ensure the degree of accuracy set for the model.


Introduction: The choice of sample size is an important decision in the development of volume models and taper functions.
Objective: To calculate the minimum sample size required for fitting compatible taper-volume functions for Pinus arizonica Engelm., P. durangensis Martínez and P. engelmannii Carr. in Chihuahua.
Materials and methods: The methodology was divided into three phases: (i) fitting of a linear regression model to the diameter-height data of 50 trees of each species in the three forest regions; (ii) calculation of the minimum sample size required, and (iii) comparison of the goodness of fit of the taper-volume function using both sample sizes.
Results and discussion: The minimum number of trees calculated ranged from 53 (Pinus durangensis) to 88 (P. engelmannii) and it is located in the interval reported in studies carried out to estimate the optimal sample size for the development of taper functions. No significant differences were observed in the goodness of fit (α = 0.05) in terms of the R 2 and the root mean square error, using the full sample size and the calculated minimum sample size; no significant effect was observed in the stem volume estimates.
Conclusion: The use of small samples in the fit of taper-volume models generates accurate estimates if adequate representation of the study population is ensured.


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