Husk tomato is an important crop that has been subjected to a wide range of domestication process all across Mexico; therefore, there is an extensive genetic variability available. Consequently, it is convenient to characterize molecularly commonly cultivated varieties that are used as reference to classify new accessions or to register new improved varieties. Accordingly, 12 husk tomato varieties belonging to eight different races were fingerprinted using ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeat) markers. Twenty-two ISSR primers produced a total of 208 bands, and 172 of them were polymorphic (representing 83 % of polymorphism). DNA fingerprinting table was compiled. Six primers were absolutely required for analyzing tested cultivar cultivars. UBC-835, UBC-873, and UBC-823 primers showed high discernment power, and therefore they will be very useful in further on genetic studies of this crop. In addition, Jaccard's distances between pairs of races were used to create a dendrogram. The results obtained showed that ISSR molecular markers can be used for reliable identification of husk tomato varieties.
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