Revista Chapingo Serie Agricultura Tropical
Morphological components and nutritional and anthocyanin content in hydroponic green fodder based on native corn and purple corn
ISSNe: 2954-3886


chemical analysis
animal feed


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Domínguez Escorcia, E., Bernal Muñoz, R., Hernández Díaz, R., López Mejía, O. A., Macías García, J. L., Rodríguez Castañeda, E. L., & Peña Escalona, F. L. (2024). Morphological components and nutritional and anthocyanin content in hydroponic green fodder based on native corn and purple corn. Revista Chapingo Serie Agricultura Tropical, 4(2).


Hydroponic green fodder (HGF) technology is an alternative for livestock feeding during periods of drought,
since it is produced under controlled conditions in a short period of time. Under rainfed conditions, HGF
is produced with colored corn varieties and fertilization is used to improve its nutritional quality and its
anthocyanin content. This research aimed to evaluate two factors and their interaction. Factor A: four varieties
and factor B: two fertilization doses in the production of hydroponic green fodder. Productive, bromatological
and anthocyanin content variables were evaluated. It was found that fertilization of purple corn HGF had an
effect on stalk length, but not on leaf length (P ≥ 0.05). Grain accounted for the highest biomass weight, and the
HGF of light purple and purple corns had greater weight in the stalk with leaves and root components. The ratio
of stalk with leaves, grain and root was 2:7:1. The HGF based on purple corn with fertilization outperformed the
rest of the treatments (P ≤ 0.05) in biomass yield per kilogram of corn. The effect of fertilization application on
the quality of the HGF was reflected in almost all bromatological variables and anthocyanins were present in
the HGF of light purple and purple corns in quantities of 118.5 and 305.0 mg·kg-1


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