Revista Chapingo Serie Agricultura Tropical
Evaluation of different doses of chemical fertilization on growth and yield of creole pepper 'xkat iik' (Capsicum annuum L.)
ISSNe: 2954-3886


Fresh fruit
micro tunnels

How to Cite

Castillo López, E., Muñoz Osorio, G. A., Castillo López, E., López Tolentino, G., & Marín Colli, E. E. (2024). Evaluation of different doses of chemical fertilization on growth and yield of creole pepper ’xkat iik’ (Capsicum annuum L.). Revista Chapingo Serie Agricultura Tropical, 4(1), 1–13.


In 2022, Mexico produced 4 578.68 t of hungarian creole xkat iik green pepper in an area of 208.20 ha with a production value of more than 73 801 921.00 pesos; while, in Yucatan, 59.20 ha were harvested, with a total production of 727.85 t, which contributes 15.89% of the national production. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different doses of chemical fertilization on growth and yield of xkat iik pepper under micro tunnel production system in the southern region of the state of Yucatan. A completely randomized experimental block design with four treatments and four replications per treatment was used. To determine the effect of the treatments on variables studied, fruit length, fruit equatorial diameter, number of fruits per plant, and fruit weight per plant, an ANOVA was applied, and for the comparison of means, the Tukey test was used (P <0.05). There was no significant statistical difference between the variables fruit length, fruit equatorial diameter and number of fruits per plant, while for the variable fruit weight per plant there was a significant statistical difference. Specifically T1 (1 L·ha-1 of multi-chelated iron complex, 5 kg·ha-1 of 13-40-13, 2 kg·ha-1 of 19-19-19 and 0.4 L·ha-1 fulvic substances) had the best result with a value of 673.33 g, which corresponds to a value of 16.83 t·ha-1, exceeding the control (10 kg·ha-1 of 11-00-00- 16 MgO and 10 kg·ha-1 of 11-52-00) by almost 35 %. Foliar fertilization at doses of 1-2 L·ha-1 Poliquel multi (multi-chelated iron complex), 5-10 kg·ha-1 of violet (13-40-13), 2-4.5 kg·ha-1 polyfeed (19-19-19) and 0.4-0.5 L·ha-1 of k-thionic (fulvic substances) improved the yield of xkat iik pepper.


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